It doesn't make a difference what industry you're in- - with the ascent of web 2.0 and the expanding "digitization" of business, essentially everyone is affected by IT. Indeed, IT has gotten so implanted in present day business, that we regularly neglect to see it: our most-utilized applications become an augmentation of ourselves; we get settled with them, not seeing the amount they're accomplishing for us. In any case, frequently, this smugness prompts inconvenience not far off. Servers crash; equipment gets old; frameworks that used to be dependable, unexpectedly begin running into inconvenience. It's for the most part in these circumstances that organizations will call an IT supplier to fix their concern. By all accounts, this bodes well. In any case, the issue with sitting tight for issues before calling a specialist to fathom them, is that there is a slack time between the issue happening, and the issue being comprehended. It requires some in...